ADA Compliance — An Expensive Blunder

Universities are failing to comply with the American Disabilities Act by not captioning online videos. Lawsuits have been filed against multiple universities. Compliance cost money but with advancements in technology, captioning has become easier making excuses obsolete.

ADA Compliance — An Expensive Blunder

Education used to be simple. All you needed was a quiet classroom, a piece of chalk, a chalkboard, an engaged teacher and interested students. You would go home, open your textbook, do your homework and go back the day after.

Education used to be simple. All you needed was a quiet classroom, a piece of chalk, a chalkboard, an engaged teacher and interested students. You would go home, open your textbook, do your homework and go back the day after.

Nice and simple 🚶‍♂️

Today, most of the education experience is delivered online, partly or fully, using video content.

This is where it becomes tricky for the universities.

All video content published and hosted by US based universities are required to comply with the American Disabilities Act.

However, a significant number of universities are failing to comply.

Have a look at a few recent examples of law suits against American based universities. You can find an exhaustive list here.

Arizona State University

Florida State University

Harvard University

Louisiana State University


Miami University

Complaint Against Miami U

Compliance cost money and for universities with thousands of video files it can seem like a daunting task. Adding captions to video content used to be a challenging task but with technological advances it has become 100x easier.

In this day and age there are really no excuses.

We know, because this is what we do, at Konch.